WordPress Website Management

Dedicated WP
Site Management

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WordPress Website Management

Built from the ground up. For you.

We build your bespoke website management plan from the ground up. Here's what can be inlcuded in your DedicatedWP Site Management plan.

WordPress Hosting

All site management services begin with putting your site on a server optimised for wordpress + your unique site requirements. We can even provide Dedicated Server + IP adress.

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From the ground up our hosting is built, optimised and secured on the server side for WordPress. This means your server resources are allocated more efficiently and your site runs faster out of the gate.

Need specific backup requirements? At a minimum your site is continually backed up both to a local and remote location. We can adjust your backup schedule according to your specific needs, with hourly, daily and weekly parameters available. We can also arrange for backups to be sent to your preferred cloud location (eg Google Drive).

We use Better Stack to monitor your website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Alerts can be sent to your email or phone. And with intervals as low as 30 seconds, you’ll know your site is up every minute.

Server level caching provides superior performance over plugin-based caching solutions, reducing databse size and plugin dependencies.

We provide two server level caching options: Redis Nginx Page Caching and Redis Nginx FastCGI Caching.

Talk to us about the best caching options for your website.

Every site comes with 7G Web Application Firewall (WAF) and brute-force protection by WPFailtoban as standard.

We also provide Enterprise-Grade WordPress Security and WordPress Hardening (see Security below).

Every production (live) site includes a staging site eg  staging.yourdomain.com) ready to be activated for development and testing. We can push / pull from production to staging and staging to production.

We use SendGrid to ensure your website is able to deliver email more reliably. With this integration you won’t need a SMTP plugin, reducing your website’s dependencies, potential conflicts and points-of-failure and attack surface.

We use and recommend Cloudflare for managing your domains DNS. Cloudflare provides efficient DNS management and fast DNS Record propagation, along with a range of first line of defence security benefits such as DDoS protection.

Performance Optimisation

All site mangement services begin with putting your site on a server optimised for wordpress + your unique site requirements. We can even provide Dedicated Server + IP adress.

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The best website security provides layered protection at the domain, server and application levels.

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We use and recommend Cloudflare for both its DNS management and DDoS protection. Cloudflare’s “intelligent and automated mitigations at the edge” block around 170 billion daily threats.

Every site comes with 7G Web Application Firewall (WAF) and brute-force protection by WPFailtoban as standard.

We also provide Enterprise-Grade WordPress Security and WordPress Hardening options (see Security below).

We’re able to deploy a range of WP-specific hardening functions that most of our competitors don’t, including:

These measures are individually configured according to your website requirements.

Get in touch for a list of these configurable WordPress application settings.

We are constantly monitoring every your WordPress applications – at the core, theme and plugin levels. This is married against the web’s largest WP vulnerability database. 

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We use and recommend Patchstack – the world’s largest vulnerability discloser, with 5000+ patches to protect your site. Advance vulnerability warning and patching takes your site beyond malware scanning – which only detects that your site has an issue after it’s infected.


Software Management

Premium software management drives website performance and protects against vulnerabilities and conflicts.

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Where possible, we’ll make recommendations on minimising plugin dependencies. Many sites we encounter have multiple plugins ‘doing the same thing’ – feature overlap. Or plugins are used to make customisations that could be made on a theme-level. We often find that we’re able to significantly reduces plugins while maintaining custom functionality, increasing site speed and minimising security and softwareconflict issues.

Your site’s software – from WP Core to Theme to Plugins should be updated weekly by default. We’ll also ensure your software is updated whenever security releases occur.

Every additional plugin on your site increases both your attack vulnerability surface area and introduces a potential point of failure due to software conflicts. Effective software management means identifying and mitigating against failure.

Plugin optimisation and management, together with software updates means your website and server stack are always up-to-date. We also manage your site’s PHP version, further enhancing security and performance.


Theme and theme framework updates are an often overlooked aspect of WP site management. We ensure that appropriate code is written to the theme rather than as a separate plugin, where appropriate.

Advanced Content Management

Website management is all about helping you deliver your message online - quickly, reliably and securely. We provide content management to ensure your mesage goes out without distracting you from running your business.

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We customise the WP CMS so that it matches your needs more closely. From custom post types and fields on the front end, to advanced media management, file organisation and fast bulk editing.

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Well optimised and organised images can go a long way toward improving site speed and making managing your site hassle-free (especially sites with hundreds or thousands of images!). We use ShortPixel Pro for image optimisation and Happy Files for better media library management.

We use and recommend Bunny.net for lightning fast video delivery. Don’t make your visitors wait for slow loading content.

Site management for serious websites

Ensure your website's always up-to-date and working hard for you. From content updates to design improvements to important functional and security management of themes and plugins, I can help you ensure your website is always up-to-date and working the way it should be.

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  • Business

    We look after your website so you can focus on business.

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  • Mission Critical

    High touch site management for mission critical sites.

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  • Blogger Pro

    So you can focus on content.

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  • Ecommerce + Membership

    Highly secure and performant websites you can focus on sales

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  • Enterprise

    Secure, resource-rich site management for corporate and organisational sites.

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Plans & Pricing

Choose one of our existing plans or get in touch to discover how we can create a truly customised WordPress Site Management plan.